04 July 2021
When I wrote complex bash that contains long operations could be necessary to manage a gracefully exit.
In unix/linux there is a command for this purpose: trap
Note: There is special signals that cannot be caught or ignored, see wikipedia for more information.
$ trap '' SIGTERM
$ trap 'rm -f /tmp/mytmpfile$$; exit' SIGINT
Bash script and save in /tmp/example_trap.sh
trap '' SIGTERM
trap 'echo "Received SIGINT, exit gracefully"; exit' SIGINT
echo "Start long operation"
sleep 120
echo "End long operation"
Then give them execution permission (like chmod +x) for /tmp/example_trap.sh
docker run -it --mount 'type=bind,source=/tmp/,target=/tmp/' -w /tmp ubuntu /bin/bash
From inside the container:
# ./example_trap.sh &
[1] 27
Start long operation
Nothing happend for SIGTERM, as expected
# kill -SIGTERM 27
The program exit gracefully with SIGINT
# kill -SIGINT 27
Received SIGINT, exit gracefully
[1]+ Done ./example_trap.sh
trap --help